Medical Services

antenatal & postnatal care

At Nova Health Co we offer a full range of pregnancy and postpartum care services. Our doctors have advanced training in General Practice, Obstetrics and Postpartum Care (including Lactation) and are passionate about ensuring you receive high quality, evidence-based care through these exciting times.  

Every pregnancy, birth and postpartum period is unique, and we love supporting you on your journey.

Our services include:
  • Preconception counselling
  • Pregnancy care in a shared care arrangement with Wagga Wagga Base Hospital 
  • Nova Mums and Bubs shared medical appointments
  • Individual baby feeding, sleep and settling consultations
  • Anterior frenotomy (tongue tie release) as part of a breastfeeding consultation if required. 
  • Perinatal mental health

women's health

At Nova, we want to support women to live their healthiest lives.  Our doctors are highly experienced across a broad range of women’s health specific issues and work with you to develop an individualised plan taking your health goals, lifestyle and other important factors into consideration.

Our services include:

  • Period concerns
  • Perimenopause & menopause
  • Sexual health
  • Mental health
  • Bladder & bowel concerns
  • Vulvar and vaginal concerns
  • Long acting reversible contraceptives including insertion of implanons and Intrauterine Devices (Copper IUD, Mirena and Kyleena), including for women who haven’t had a baby
  • Medical termination of pregnancy up to 9 weeks gestation, and referral to other services if beyond this. 

infant & child health

Our doctors and midwives are passionate in supporting families through the early childhood years, and are accredited in Possum’s & Co Neuroprotective Developmental Care. Our motivation is to assist families in finding their own rhythm, aiming to support their journey in a gentle and non-judgemental way.  We love supporting you to find a style of parenting and feeding that suits your beliefs and circumstances.

Our services include:
  • Feeding, sleep and settling consultations for infants and toddlers
  • Infant weight/growth concerns, developmental screening, advice and referral as necessary
  • Advice around introduction of solids in children with allergies
  • Assessment and management of common conditions in childhood, such as constipation and bedwetting
  • Capacity building in parents around their parenting strategies and skills, in cooperation with our Parenting Educator.

medical abortion/termination

Medical abortion/termination (MTOP) is a safe and effective method of terminating an early pregnancy up to 9 weeks (63 days) gestation using medication rather than surgery. You do not need to have had an ultrasound to self refer to Nova Health Co as we perform on-site ultrasounds, included in the cost of your appointment.


Medical abortion/termination is a two-stage process. The first stage involves taking a tablet which blocks the hormone necessary for the pregnancy to continue. This is followed 36-48 hours later by a second medication which causes the contents of the uterus to be expelled. The process, completed correctly, has a success rate of up to 98%


Please call our staff to explore if this is an appropriate option for you. For some patients we are also able to offer telehealth. Please let us know prior to your appointment if you need a pre-booked phone interpreter.

What to expect at Nova if you present for medical termination

  • allow approximately an hour for an appointment 
  • feel free to bring a support person
  • you will have an ultrasound performed to confirm the dating of your pregnancy, you do not have to see these images unless you choose to
  • You will then have a consultation with one of our doctors. This will include: 
    • We will ask about your medical history and previous pregnancies
    • We will explain the treatment, including any risks 
    • You will have the opportunity to ask questions
    • We will discuss contraceptive options and sexual health screening
  • We will then refer you to have the prescription filled at a trusted local pharmacy
  • Follow up can occur 2-3 weeks later with either telehealth or an in-person appointment. An intrauterine device (IUD) can also be fitted at this appointment.
  Nova Health Co can offer ongoing emotional support after an MTOP if required and refer on as appropriate to other support services

our clinicians

Dr Trudi Beck
Dr Carl Henman
Dr Carla Flynn
Amy Gow
Dr Chandelle Whitfield
Amanda Hahn

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